WELCOME to Moving Energies, a Holistic Wellbeing & Mindfulness Practice -founded by Patricia Gaviria- that offers personal coaching, books, talks, workshops, classes, videos, and other programs that promote the connection we all have with the original positive energy of the universe //// BIENVENIDOS a Moviendo Energías, una Práctica de Bienestar Holístico & Conciencia Plena -fundada por Patricia Gaviria- que ofrece coaching personal, libros, charlas, talleres, clases, videos y otros programas que promueven la conexión que todos tenemos con la energía positiva original del universo

Wellington, Florida, United States / Since 2004

October 30, 2012

* Invitación / Invitation

Hola, quiero invitarlos a que me acompañen a la feria internacional del libro en la ciudad de Miami.
Allí, no solo estaré como participante con el libro "Volver a Ser Feliz...", sino que ustedes podran disfrutar un día lleno de aspectos interesantes para toda la familia: venta de libros, pabellón del pais "Paraguay" con muestra de su cultura, comida, pabellón para los niños, conferencias/talleres con autores reconocidos internacionalmente, y muchísimo más. 
La feria estará tres días (Noviembre 16, 17 & 18) aunque yo solo estaré el Sabado 17, de 10:00am a 6:00pm, en la zona " D - Writers' Row". Los espero, con mucho cariño.
"Miami Book Fair International"
Noviembre 16 al 18, 2012
10:00 am a 6:00 pm
  Miami Dade College
Miami, FL  
 Para más información dirigirse a los links:


Hello, I want to invite you to join me at the "Miami Book Fair International".

I am going to be there not just as an exhibitor with my Spanish Book "Volver a Ser Feliz..." and the promotion of my coming soon English edition "Return to Happiness... Overcoming Depression with  Your Body, Mind and Spirit"; but, also you may get a day full of interresting aspects for the whole family: book selling & authors signing, pavilion of the country "Paraguay" with cultural showcase, food, kids zone, conferences & workshops with noted authors, and much more.

The Street Fair will be hold during three days (November 16, 17 & 18), however, I will be participating just Saturday the 17th, from 10:00am to 6:00pm, at the "D-Writer's Row" section.

I would love to see you there !

                                         "Miami Book Fair International"
            November 16th to 18th, 2012
             10:00am to 6:00pm
              Miami Dade College
             Miami, Fl  
 For more information go to:


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