WELCOME to Moving Energies, a Holistic Wellbeing & Mindfulness Practice -founded by Patricia Gaviria- that offers personal coaching, books, talks, workshops, classes, videos, and other programs that promote the connection we all have with the original positive energy of the universe //// BIENVENIDOS a Moviendo Energías, una Práctica de Bienestar Holístico & Conciencia Plena -fundada por Patricia Gaviria- que ofrece coaching personal, libros, charlas, talleres, clases, videos y otros programas que promueven la conexión que todos tenemos con la energía positiva original del universo

Wellington, Florida, United States / Since 2004

* Digital Gift Certificate


If you have a special person that can benefit from balancing her or his Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Energy... an online Natural Tuning Session is the perfect gift!
Get this Digital Gift Certificate (with your and your loved one's names) and send it via E-mail, Whatsapp, or Phone messaging. This Digital Gift Certificate is valid for either one Regular Natural Tuning session or one Energy Wellness Evaluation session. It is good for one year. Please write to movingenergies@live.com to receive instructions.  

Write to movingenergies@live.com to receive instructions! 

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