WELCOME to Moving Energies, a Holistic Wellness Practice -founded by Patricia Gaviria- that offers personal coaching, books, talks, workshops, classes, videos, and other programs that promote positive aspects of society //// BIENVENIDOS a Moviendo Energías, una Práctica de Bienestar Holístico -fundada por Patricia Gaviria- que ofrece coaching personal, libros, charlas, talleres, clases, videos y otros programas que promueven aspectos positivos de la sociedad.

Wellington, Florida, United States / Since 2004

November 08, 2015

* Best-Seller Amazon Canada

Returning to Happiness...
Overcoming Depression with
Your Body, Mind, and Spirit
by Patricia Gaviria
Best Sellers in
Personal Transformation
Amazon Canada eBooks
November 8, 2015

* Coconut Creek News Article

Wynmoor Club Showcases Latin Writers
October 18, 2015
By Dr. Sabrina Segal
Coconut Creek News