WELCOME to Moving Energies, a Holistic Wellbeing & Mindfulness Practice -founded by Patricia Gaviria- that offers personal coaching, books, talks, workshops, classes, videos, and other programs that promote the connection we all have with the original positive energy of the universe //// BIENVENIDOS a Moviendo Energías, una Práctica de Bienestar Holístico & Conciencia Plena -fundada por Patricia Gaviria- que ofrece coaching personal, libros, charlas, talleres, clases, videos y otros programas que promueven la conexión que todos tenemos con la energía positiva original del universo

Wellington, Florida, United States / Since 2004

January 24, 2022


1-  The Human Being is Not an Accident of Nature!  Our “seed” was implanted on this planet, and for more than one million years, we have been biologically evolving as an essential part of this majestic system.

2- The Human Being is Incomparable!  Our organism was precisely designed to adapt and survive the challenging journey of life, and we have the highest physical, intellectual, emotional, and moral capability among all living creatures of this earth. 

3- The Human Being is a Hybrid!  Derived from three primary universal sources –physical, mental, and spiritual– we are formed by a body that allows us to interact with the material environment and feel an immense range of sensations. A mind skilled to understand our reality through ideas and also to processing emotions. And a spirit joined with the creative force that makes us learn and evolve while following the path towards perfection.    

4- The Human Being is Energy!  We function as electromagnetic fields or biological antennas interconnected with the universe in marvelous ways, giving us the privilege to download personalized information that assures our development and general well-being. 

5- The Human Being is Free!  We have freedom of choice to connect or disconnect from the source of life, and sacred respect from the universe of never interfering, even if for good, without our desire and consent. 

We, Humans, Are the Highest Technology on Our Planet!! 

Author, Emissary, Practitioner, 
Coach & Teacher of 
Holistic Energy Wellness

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