Holistic Wellbeing & Mindfulness Practice /// Práctica de Bienestar Holístico & Consciencia Plena
WELCOME to Moving Energies, a Holistic Wellbeing & Mindfulness Practice -founded by Patricia Gaviria- that offers personal coaching, books, talks,
workshops, classes, videos, and other programs that promote the connection we all have with the original positive energy of the universe
////BIENVENIDOS a Moviendo Energías,
una Práctica de Bienestar Holístico & Conciencia Plena -fundada por Patricia Gaviria- que ofrece
coaching personal, libros, charlas, talleres, clases, videos y otros programas que promueven la conexión que todos tenemos con la energía positiva original del universo
ENGLISH / SPANISH Wellington, Florida, United States / Since 2004
On Person 8-week
Workshop Tuesdays / 6:30
– 8:45 PM January 17 to March
7, 2023 Palm Beach
Central High School Wellington, Fl *Soul Symbol:
Access to the Universal Energy of Wellbeing On Person 8-week
Workshop Wednesdays /
6:30 – 8:00 PM January 18 to March
8, 2023 Palm Beach
Central High School Wellington, Fl *Radio-Meditation:
Tuning Our Positive Frequencies On Person 8-week
Class Thursdays / 6:30 - 7:45 PM
*Soul Symbol: Access to the Universal Energy of Wellbeing On Person Workshop August 31 to September 21, 2022 Palm Beach Central High School Wellington, Fl
Today I want to share with you the launch of my new project: CARDS of WISDOM. It has been many months of work where I combined my knowledge of Graphic Design with the "Concepts of Life" acquired in my past 40 years of experience in the personal development and spiritual growth subject. The result is a beautiful tool for those who wish to understand a complete perspective of our reality as universal beings.
I invite you to know more about the deck and its benefits through my videos of Introduction and Throws. I look forward to your comments!
Cards of Wisdom is a deck of 85 cards created and designed
by Patricia Gaviria, representing the essential concepts that humanity must
learn to live a life of complete physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
These cards are NOT for divination or prediction, like many
other decks. Instead, they symbolize all the aspects that we must know and
understand to evolve as universal beings. The deck divides into four sections,
each with a certain number of numerated cards:
1- PERSONAL MANIFESTATION / 16 cards / Red Color
2- UNIVERSAL CODES & LAWS / 24 cards / Green Color
3- UNIVERSAL TOOLS / 16 cards / Blue Color
4- LIFE ASSIGNMENTS / 24 cards / Orange Color / Divided into
8 of Physical Energy, 8 of Mental Energy, and 8 of Spiritual Energy
Each section provides clear, deep, and essential information
about a specific factor of life. The stages that we must go through to achieve
appropriate personal development. The universal laws and codes that we must
consider to make the best of our existence. The universal tools we have
available to achieve a life of fulfillment. In addition, practical tasks or
activities, which we can use to improve our connection with Creative Energy.
Hoy quiero
compartir con todos ustedes, el lanzamiento de mi nuevo proyecto: CARTAS de
SABIDURÍA. Han sido muchos meses de trabajo, donde logré combinar mi conocimiento
de Diseño Gráfico, junto con los “Conceptos de Vida” adquiridos en mis pasados 40 años de experiencia en el tema del desarrollo personal y crecimiento espiritual. El resultado, es una herramienta hermosa para aquellos que desean
comprender una perspectiva completa de nuestra realidad como seres universales.
Los invito a que conozcan más de la baraja y sus beneficios, a través de mis videos de Introducción y Tiradas. ¡Espero sus comentarios!
SABIDURÍA es una baraja de 85 cartas, creadas y diseñadas por Patricia Gaviria,
que representan los conceptos esenciales que la humanidad debe aprender para
vivir una vida de completo bienestar físico, mental y espiritual.
cartas no son para adivinación o predicción, como muchos otros mazos. Más bien,
simbolizan todos los aspectos que debemos conocer y entender, para evolucionar
como verdaderos seres universales. El naipe se divide en cuatro secciones, cada
una con una numeración de cartas determinadas:
de VIDA / 24 cartas/Color Naranja / Divididas en 8 de Energías
Física, 8 de Energía Mental y 8 de Energía Espiritual
sección brinda información, clara, profunda e imprescindible, de un factor
esencial de la vida. Las etapas que debemos recorrer, para lograr un desarrollo
personal apropiado. Las leyes y códigos universales que debemos tener en
cuenta, para sacar el mejor provecho de nuestra existencia. Las herramientas
universales que tenemos a disposición, para alcanzar una vida de realización.
Además, actividades o tareas prácticas, que podemos usar para mejorar nuestra
conexión con la Energía Creadora.
Patricia's book is written from a sincere point of view
that fuses her past experiences with depression and how she was able to
overcome it using innate tools that we are all born with. The book covers a lot
of information, but is delivered in concise segments that are easy to absorb
and understand. She obviously put many years of thought into writing this
invaluable book. I've gained so much new knowledge about myself and how I
"fit in" to the universe, how each of us is equally important in the
wholeness of it. But it's not just about the knowledge, the best part came from
integrating those innate tools into my everyday life. This book has truly made
a great difference in how I think, act, react, and feel. Initially I hoped to
improve my depression, but left with vastly more. Patricia has a calm and
logical method of "teaching" that firmly connected with me and has
inspired me to do so much more than just overcome my depression. I give thanks
to Patricia for sharing her story and her teachings with us. I 100% recommend
this book for anyone struggling with depression. - Emilia (amazon review)
1- The Human Being is Not an Accident of Nature! Our “seed” was implanted on this planet, and for more than one million years, we have been biologically evolving as an essential part of this majestic system.
2- The Human Being is Incomparable! Our organism was precisely designed to adapt and survive the challenging journey of life, and we have the highest physical, intellectual, emotional, and moral capability among all living creatures of this earth.
3- The Human Being is a Hybrid!Derived from three primary universal sources –physical, mental, and spiritual– we are formed by a body that allows us to interact with the material environment and feel an immense range of sensations. A mind skilled to understand our reality through ideas and also to processing emotions. And a spirit joined with the creative force that makes us learn and evolve while following the path towards perfection.
4- The Human Being is Energy! We function as electromagnetic fields or biological antennas interconnected with the universe in marvelous ways, giving us the privilege to download personalized information that assures our development and general well-being.
5- The Human Being is Free! We have freedom of choice to connect or disconnect from the source of life, and sacred respect from the universe of never interfering, even if for good, without our desire and consent.
We, Humans, Are the Highest Technology on Our Planet!!